Automatic Hashtags

Hashtags are keywords or phrases you add to your posts with a # sign before them. Using them is an effective way to increase exposure for your posts and attract new followers on social media. 

In addition to creating social media content using Artificial Intelligence (AI) and showing the relevant hashtags (and their stats) when you enter a hashtag by yourself, Fan Page Robot can automatically generate and insert hashtags to your posts based on the picture you upload and/or the message you’ve composed. 

auto hashtag suggestions

The AI powered hashtag generator comes with three modes.

You can select "List All Suggestions," the AI tool will show you a list of the hashtags that it suggested for you based on your post text and/or the picture you uploaded. Click on any of the hashtags. Clicking on any of the hashtags will add it to the end of your post text. 

auto suggest hashtags

When you select the "Replace Message" mode, the best hashtags generated by the AI technology will automatically replace the same words in your post text. In the above example, "How Blockchain Could Revolutionize Commodity Markets" would be replaced with "How #Blockchain Could Revolutionize Commodity Markets".

You can use the "Append to Message" feature to automatically add the top 10 suggested hashtags to the end of your post text. 

We recommend you do not use more than 10 hashtags in a post, as most social media networks will treat posts with too many hashtags as spam or low quality content. Similar to when you do keyword stuffing on your website, Google will give your website a lower ranking.

As a bonus feature, the hashtag auto-generation tool also comes with a language option when your post contains a picture. Besides English, the AI can generate hashtags in 20 languages from your picture, including: Arabic, Bengali, Chinese, Danish, German, Finnish, French, Hungarian, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Dutch, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, Swedish, Turkish, etc. 

generate hashtags automatically